domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015

Questions! ...

 1. What is  the  main  topic  about  and  what are  the  advantages?
Well, I understood that the topic of the video is " The final test for the Diploma Program now is for using the one computer" and the advantages are; firts the change the paper for the computer , wich helps the environment and is more didactic for the students

2. What should  be the profile  of an  International  Baccalaureate  student?

In the video does not mention... but the  profile of the students of the International Baccalaureate is: 
- Critics
- and other more characteristics
All this , because we must students that let's have a think diferent of all the things arround us , also challenges the world has to offer and this will help us to confront 

3.  What  do the  people  think  about  the   Assesment ?  Explain  you  answer

Well, They think that is one idea much more dicdactic and help us  to develop diferents areas they were not  usend to doing.