martes, 26 de enero de 2016

                                    The Dark Knight

 There was a time, in the eastern lands where the sun was born, a knight, unique and formidable in everything he did.
 People who saw it as describrian as tall and strong. Only came out at night.
 The knight  was a warrior who watched over the safety of the whole kingdom of thieves and looters. Always every night I thought, "If I keep working and saving my kingdom, I will become one of the most renowned of my kingdom and perhaps gentlemen I name in a senior position. That would be great- thought
He also said "If I defend my people well, I will be recognized by the king and that would give me fame"
Hours pass dela night and the brave knight, thinking even bigger things
"If I win a dragon, I would become the undisputed king and would be king forever and ever"
""If I become king forever" I would obtain eternal life.
Idea after idea went through his head until the moment that he realized that a pair of thieves trying to enter the kingdom, then leave that thought aside and went to do their job :)