domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015


A.- A factory employee dreamed one night that his boss would be killed in a train accident the following day. Frightened, he called his boss and told her not to cathch the train. His boss catch a different train, and avoided the accident. Whe she arrived  at work she thanked the man and then fired him.... ¿Why?

1.- I think that fired for two reasons.
a)  The boss was angry because she did not take the train on time and was late for work by not taking the train and just that day had an important business meeting but she was lost for being late
b) May be, the employee had made a complot to attack the boss with his teammates, but he repented at the last moment and he notice all the boss  ja ja!  I think this! 

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

Transcription ( corrected )

In this picture we can see four children and a woman. I think that the woman is their nanny

We can see in the picture 4 children who are sitting in front of the table, each one has a dish of food and a glass of juice. We can see that the children are enjoying their food

The woman is paying attention to only one kid


Jeff: That was very interesting description of the picture

¿Do you like the children?

A: Yeah, I like children because they give us love ....lots of love and they're fun
Jona:  I like the children ,too. The kids are very fun and playfu

D:  That was very interesting

Why do children are eating?

Jona: Because maybe the kids are hungry.
A: I also think the same

 Jeff: How do you see the children?

Jona:  I can see that there are four children
A:  Also, we can see that the kids are happy, very happy because they're together

D: ¿Do children are brothers or sisters?
Jona:Maybe children are just friends or maybe are children of different fathers.,
A :I don't know, really, but I know they are just friends and have another

..... :)

Transcription (This is the original, unmodified)

In this picture we can see four kids and a woman. I think that this woman is theirs nanny

We can see in the picture four kids that are sitting in front of the table, wich one have a dish food  and glass juice. We can see that the kids enjoy their food

The woman is paying attention to only a kid


Jeff:  Ok, It was very interestling description of the picture

¿Do you like the kids?

A: Yeah, I like the kids because the kids give us love.... more love  and they're fun
Jona: I like the kids, too. The kids are very fun and playful

D: Ok, is very interetling

Why the kids eating?

Jona: Maybe, the kids they're hungry
A: I think, too

Jeff: ¿How  kids do you see ?

Jona:  I can see the kids that are four.
A: Also, we can see that the kids are happy, very happy because they're together

D: The Kids are brother or sister?

Jona: Maybe, the kids are only friends or maybe are sons of diferents parents
A: Yeah, I don't know, really but I know that they're only friends