domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

Transcription (This is the original, unmodified)

In this picture we can see four kids and a woman. I think that this woman is theirs nanny

We can see in the picture four kids that are sitting in front of the table, wich one have a dish food  and glass juice. We can see that the kids enjoy their food

The woman is paying attention to only a kid


Jeff:  Ok, It was very interestling description of the picture

¿Do you like the kids?

A: Yeah, I like the kids because the kids give us love.... more love  and they're fun
Jona: I like the kids, too. The kids are very fun and playful

D: Ok, is very interetling

Why the kids eating?

Jona: Maybe, the kids they're hungry
A: I think, too

Jeff: ¿How  kids do you see ?

Jona:  I can see the kids that are four.
A: Also, we can see that the kids are happy, very happy because they're together

D: The Kids are brother or sister?

Jona: Maybe, the kids are only friends or maybe are sons of diferents parents
A: Yeah, I don't know, really but I know that they're only friends

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