martes, 15 de marzo de 2016



The soccer is one of sports that like me, for its amazing and awesomes match. Around the world many persons have a favorite soccer player, the  mine are Lio Messi & David Luiz
First I'll write about Lio Messi and his characteristics. Lio Messi was born 24/06/1978, is a person more humble to grow in such a home. About his physical aparience, he's of medium heigth and slim.
Although he has 28 year old, his face it looks like a 18 or 20, well I think this. He hair is spiky and brown color. He don't have a moustache. Aside from being a humble person, I consider that Lio is a person responsible, a person who love what he does and helpful and charismatic with people. In his club, His partnerts consider him as a person outgoing. I think the same....about he

On the other hand David Luiz is one of the best soccer players in his country, Brasil, and also in all the world.  He has 28 years old (the same age than Lio) and was born a day
 As for his aparience, David is a person tall, slim and his face is appropriate to their age.
He have got  a hair long and curly light brown color.
About his personality, is a little more conserved than Lio. He is a passionate about his work and keeps a very charismatic faith. For me David, is the soccer player that I admire more

Between these two celebrities of the soccer could compare and contrast certain things. First, theirs aparancience.
Lio looks younger than David although they have the same age. They hairs is more diferent. David have got a hair curly and Lio spiky. David is taller than Lio but Lio is faster than David
They are similar in their soccer level but Messi is more famous than David for the reason that he's in FC Barcelona.
Messi is more outgoing than David, which is considered David more seriously than Messi
Although there are things that diferience theirs, they are similars in things or rather attitudes like humility, responsibility and vocation.........!

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