jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015

My proyect in the future

Well, in the future, after finishing my studies or maybe my secondary education, I would like to create a home for dogs living on the streets. 
Currently, I have seen that people do not have the same care and love for their pets, neglected and discarded in the street. . It has changed a lot the wanting their pets
For this reason and because I've been much dogs in the street , I decided to create a house for dogs and abandoned pets in general
Also, because the animals in general are very important for me and even more the animal that around me and this project would be very happy. I think that could perform would call much to the awareness of people and the extent of the actions often take their pets against.

Well, any way, this is my proyect for a future and I believe that If I  see ways for preform since this moment, maybe I could accomplish............... well, but also with help of much persons that around me and are very important  :) :') ..................................................................!!!

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015


A.- A factory employee dreamed one night that his boss would be killed in a train accident the following day. Frightened, he called his boss and told her not to cathch the train. His boss catch a different train, and avoided the accident. Whe she arrived  at work she thanked the man and then fired him.... ¿Why?

1.- I think that fired for two reasons.
a)  The boss was angry because she did not take the train on time and was late for work by not taking the train and just that day had an important business meeting but she was lost for being late
b) May be, the employee had made a complot to attack the boss with his teammates, but he repented at the last moment and he notice all the boss  ja ja!  I think this! 

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

Transcription ( corrected )

In this picture we can see four children and a woman. I think that the woman is their nanny

We can see in the picture 4 children who are sitting in front of the table, each one has a dish of food and a glass of juice. We can see that the children are enjoying their food

The woman is paying attention to only one kid


Jeff: That was very interesting description of the picture

¿Do you like the children?

A: Yeah, I like children because they give us love ....lots of love and they're fun
Jona:  I like the children ,too. The kids are very fun and playfu

D:  That was very interesting

Why do children are eating?

Jona: Because maybe the kids are hungry.
A: I also think the same

 Jeff: How do you see the children?

Jona:  I can see that there are four children
A:  Also, we can see that the kids are happy, very happy because they're together

D: ¿Do children are brothers or sisters?
Jona:Maybe children are just friends or maybe are children of different fathers.,
A :I don't know, really, but I know they are just friends and have another

..... :)

Transcription (This is the original, unmodified)

In this picture we can see four kids and a woman. I think that this woman is theirs nanny

We can see in the picture four kids that are sitting in front of the table, wich one have a dish food  and glass juice. We can see that the kids enjoy their food

The woman is paying attention to only a kid


Jeff:  Ok, It was very interestling description of the picture

¿Do you like the kids?

A: Yeah, I like the kids because the kids give us love.... more love  and they're fun
Jona: I like the kids, too. The kids are very fun and playful

D: Ok, is very interetling

Why the kids eating?

Jona: Maybe, the kids they're hungry
A: I think, too

Jeff: ¿How  kids do you see ?

Jona:  I can see the kids that are four.
A: Also, we can see that the kids are happy, very happy because they're together

D: The Kids are brother or sister?

Jona: Maybe, the kids are only friends or maybe are sons of diferents parents
A: Yeah, I don't know, really but I know that they're only friends

domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015

Questions! ...

 1. What is  the  main  topic  about  and  what are  the  advantages?
Well, I understood that the topic of the video is " The final test for the Diploma Program now is for using the one computer" and the advantages are; firts the change the paper for the computer , wich helps the environment and is more didactic for the students

2. What should  be the profile  of an  International  Baccalaureate  student?

In the video does not mention... but the  profile of the students of the International Baccalaureate is: 
- Critics
- and other more characteristics
All this , because we must students that let's have a think diferent of all the things arround us , also challenges the world has to offer and this will help us to confront 

3.  What  do the  people  think  about  the   Assesment ?  Explain  you  answer

Well, They think that is one idea much more dicdactic and help us  to develop diferents areas they were not  usend to doing. 

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015

 My autobiography

  Hi everyone
My name is Alejandro Valdivieso 
And this is mi blog! :) 
Well,  I'm 16 years old 
I study in the Juan Montalvo High School  and  I am in the International Baccalaureate, and I hope through this fulfill my desires
 I consider myself a very upbeat guy, outgoing, happy, enthusiastic, with a great sense of humor, that despite things that all will be well
Well, my hobbies are playing basketball, playing guitar instrument that I can when I desestrsarme necessary, those are the two main
I also like spending time with my family, I enjoy that and also to serve others, it is a wonderful thing
One of the highlights of me is that I consider myself a person crisitana which did not take it as a religion but as a lifestyle
And finally, what more desire now is to go abroad and study a career that excites me but without neglecting fortmacion my principles and my parents!
And one of the things I have in my life is humility first!
And that is my blog or at least my description!

The person that I admire
I admire to my mom, ¿Why? well, she es a women that give me a lot love and care for me . She's is a woman very brainy and adventurous because she like the challenges that him give the life and she know as solve
She love to read books about things the world, because she learn new things,
She enjoys playing a game called "you advanced", Well because in this game , she share time with we, her family ..!
She wanna to take cook class because she said:" I want cooking best because they deserve the best food "  well, this what is she  said 
She's very interested in learn thing new each day!!
She says that  I going to go along with me if I travel in a future , she worries much for me 
I consider she is the best mom because help me in all and is my inspiration for get out onwards! 
I know that she'll be with me in all... :)
Well, for these and many reasons she is the person I admire :)! 

-Alejandro Valdivieso-