domingo, 24 de abril de 2016

Are we alone?

Is very curious, many times happend things in our live that have or haven't  relevance. We give its a grade of relevance to all the things.
Well, this a one of the things that impact my life, was a day that I met a alien :c............... Never I forgot this day.....
Ok, everything started, A saturday, when I went to the house of my grandfather, near of the desert.
Until here, all right. They way was very beautiful,  Its landscape..indescribable. I thought that all the way will be quiet... !
Arrived the night and still some miles to go yet. I forgot mention that I was with my brother and my cousin :') !
My brother came a point of exhaustion that We decided stop in middle of the desert and rest.
For this moment still all right yet... My brother and cousin slept, only I stayed awake yet !
In this moment, I  looked up at the sky and saw a starry sky, when suddenly, something landed on that beautiful sky. It was very bright, almost I couldn't see.
The first that I thought was "Is the army and maybe are upset because we put our vehicle in middle the desert. But no, it was something bigger and gloomy that the army.
What was in the air were not of this planet
In a blink of an eye, this nave flew several kilometers to our right and settled.
With fear to don´t know that I will found there, I decided go to the place where was this nave of as I called "flying saucer" because for this moment I was sure that this wasn't the army.
I arrived to the place and all I saw was a spectrum, humanoid, deformed animal or something else that wasn't human ... walking around.
I was cold, I was surprised....I couldn't believe that I saw... It was a Alien.....something that always I thought that didn't exist
Accidentally, I did a bad movement and the "Alien" made a splendor very big that I was blind  for a moment
When I opened my eyes, the Alien didn't was here...
I was alone....!
I quickly went where my cousin and brother there and I told them this ... but they wouldn't believe!
For this reason I decided tell everything for who want to listen or read this
.................... :c !  

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