domingo, 3 de abril de 2016

The Incas Empire and our current society 

The Inca Empire was one of the best in America and also in all the world.
They occupied the territory included from Peru until Chile and Argentina (Countries  actual, before called "The 4 suyos")
In just one hundred of years, they consolidate as the great Empire that endured until the Spanish conquisted.
They became in a civilization with a great knowledge , knowledge that was transmitted for many generations until the actuality.
Our current society have changed in comparison with the Empire Inca, a society that was more rudimentary
Here are some differences between these two parts

Daily Life
From this point we realize the difference about the those two parts. On the one hand, the Inca people were divide in social classes, the rich and commoners. The commoners were responsible all the work the city or place where they lived. The rich only spent resting and enjoying the production of commoners, His life was easy (rich). The Inequality was very noticeable.
This changed today(fortunately), although there are social classes yet, everybody have the same rights and obligations. Everybody working. Now there a equality in all

The Food

Although the food be the same as was in this time, what has changed was the way they cultivate. The Incas did this in terraces that enable the care of the crops.  Theirs productions were much.
In return, now they use flat land for cultivation. Also fertilizers altering the natural growth of the same


The cloth of the Incas was very important for them, because this highlights them what social class or level of leadership belong. Theirs clothes changed  depending on where they were located socially.
For example, the Saca Inca that was the most important person in all the Empire, wore clothes of pure silk and precious jewels, he privileged with clothing excellent
While the social state fell, the garment was of lower quality and simpler
Now, the society wear clothes very different as the Incas did before. The clothes doesn't traditional or cultural only is clothes for trend although itself remains a bit of that traditionalism in certain villages


The education as soon as to the Incas, only studied the people that were noble or high society, they had this exclusive privileges, other people (commoners) were farmers and as children, they hadn choice.
Although years after they implemented, for the extension of its territory, testing adimisional study to commoners with high intelligence capability. Upon graduation them was named minor nobles.
It was a minimum sample of equity in the study
There taught about culture, religion and science
Now, it has changed
It is more secular and moral
Education has been implemented for both men and women, regardless of their socioeconomic status

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